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Trinity Church

The Trinity Church, a monumental attraction in the heart of Arendal, is worth putting in the itinerary of a sightseeing trip in the city. With its extraordinary interiors and impressive architecture, this is a spot you can’t fail to notice while visiting Arendal.
The tower of the church extends a full 87 meters high and can be seen well from both sea and land. It is said that the church consists of at least 1.4 million bricks. The wooden balconies and the unique stonework that has been done reflect the detailed work done by the craftsmen in the 19th century. In the church there is still a large chandelier from the time the church was built. The historical significance of this church is visible in the baptismal font which has copper engravings from the 16th century. The church houses Norway's 4th largest organ. A fantastic creation with 3900 parts in size ranging from 4mm to 7 meters, and as many as 59 voices. The organ is a large part of the services in the church.
